Source code for

""".. Ignore pydocstyle D400.

Register Processes

import os
import re

import jsonschema
import yaml
from versionfield.utils import convert_version_string_to_int

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from import BaseCommand
from django.db.models import Max, Q

from resolwe.flow.engine import InvalidEngineError
from resolwe.flow.finders import get_finders
from resolwe.flow.managers import manager
from resolwe.flow.models import DescriptorSchema, Process
from resolwe.flow.models.base import VERSION_NUMBER_BITS
from resolwe.flow.models.utils import validate_schema, validation_schema
from resolwe.flow.utils import dict_dot, iterate_schema
from resolwe.permissions.utils import assign_contributor_permissions, copy_permissions

PROCESSOR_SCHEMA = validation_schema("processor")
DESCRIPTOR_SCHEMA = validation_schema("descriptor")


[docs]class Command(BaseCommand): """Register processes.""" help = "Register processes"
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): """Command arguments.""" parser.add_argument( "-f", "--force", action="store_true", help="register also if version mismatch", ) parser.add_argument( "--retire", default=False, action="store_true", help="retire obsolete processes", )
[docs] def valid(self, instance, schema): """Validate schema.""" try: jsonschema.validate(instance, schema) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as ex: self.stderr.write( " VALIDATION ERROR: {}".format( instance["name"] if "name" in instance else "" ) ) self.stderr.write(" path: {}".format(ex.path)) self.stderr.write(" message: {}".format(ex.message)) self.stderr.write(" validator: {}".format(ex.validator)) self.stderr.write(" val. value: {}".format(ex.validator_value)) return False try: # Check that default values fit field schema. for field in ["input", "output", "schema"]: for schema, _, path in iterate_schema({}, instance.get(field, {})): if "default" in schema: validate_schema({schema["name"]: schema["default"]}, [schema]) except ValidationError: self.stderr.write(" VALIDATION ERROR: {}".format(instance["name"])) self.stderr.write( " Default value of field '{}' is not valid.".format(path) ) return False return True
[docs] def find_descriptor_schemas(self, schema_file): """Find descriptor schemas in given path.""" if not schema_file.lower().endswith((".yml", ".yaml")): return [] with open(schema_file) as fn: schemas = yaml.load(fn, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) if not schemas: self.stderr.write("Could not read YAML file {}".format(schema_file)) return [] descriptor_schemas = [] for schema in schemas: if "schema" not in schema: continue descriptor_schemas.append(schema) return descriptor_schemas
[docs] def find_schemas(self, schema_path, schema_type=SCHEMA_TYPE_PROCESS, verbosity=1): """Find schemas in packages that match filters.""" schema_matches = [] if not os.path.isdir(schema_path): if verbosity > 0: self.stdout.write("Invalid path {}".format(schema_path)) return if schema_type not in [SCHEMA_TYPE_PROCESS, SCHEMA_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR]: raise ValueError("Invalid schema type") for root, _, files in os.walk(schema_path): for schema_file in [os.path.join(root, fn) for fn in files]: schemas = None if schema_type == SCHEMA_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR: # Discover descriptors. schemas = self.find_descriptor_schemas(schema_file) elif schema_type == SCHEMA_TYPE_PROCESS: # Perform process discovery for all supported execution engines. schemas = [] for execution_engine in manager.execution_engines.values(): schemas.extend(execution_engine.discover_process(schema_file)) for schema in schemas: schema_matches.append(schema) return schema_matches
[docs] def register_processes(self, process_schemas, user, force=False, verbosity=1): """Read and register processors.""" log_processors = [] log_templates = [] for p in process_schemas: # TODO: Remove this when all processes are migrated to the # new syntax. if "flow_collection" in p: if "entity" in p: self.stderr.write( "Skip processor {}: only one of 'flow_collection' and 'entity' fields " "allowed".format(p["slug"]) ) continue p["entity"] = {"type": p.pop("flow_collection")} if p["type"][-1] != ":": p["type"] += ":" if "category" in p and not p["category"].endswith(":"): p["category"] += ":" for field in ["input", "output"]: for schema, _, _ in iterate_schema({}, p[field] if field in p else {}): if not schema["type"][-1].endswith(":"): schema["type"] += ":" # TODO: Check if schemas validate with our JSON meta schema and Processor model docs. if not self.valid(p, PROCESSOR_SCHEMA): continue if "entity" in p: if "type" not in p["entity"]: self.stderr.write( "Skip process {}: 'entity.type' required if 'entity' defined".format( p["slug"] ) ) continue if "input" in p["entity"] and p["entity"].get("always_create", False): self.stderr.write( "Skip process {}: 'entity.input' will not be considered if 'entity.always_create' " "is set to true.".format(p["slug"]) ) continue p["entity_type"] = p["entity"]["type"] p["entity_descriptor_schema"] = p["entity"].get( "descriptor_schema", p["entity_type"] ) p["entity_input"] = p["entity"].get("input", None) p["entity_always_create"] = p["entity"].get("always_create", False) p.pop("entity") if not DescriptorSchema.objects.filter( slug=p["entity_descriptor_schema"] ).exists(): self.stderr.write( "Skip processor {}: Unknown descriptor schema '{}' used in 'entity' " "field.".format(p["slug"], p["entity_descriptor_schema"]) ) continue if "persistence" in p: persistence_mapping = { "RAW": Process.PERSISTENCE_RAW, "CACHED": Process.PERSISTENCE_CACHED, "TEMP": Process.PERSISTENCE_TEMP, } p["persistence"] = persistence_mapping[p["persistence"]] if "scheduling_class" in p: scheduling_class_mapping = { "interactive": Process.SCHEDULING_CLASS_INTERACTIVE, "batch": Process.SCHEDULING_CLASS_BATCH, } p["scheduling_class"] = scheduling_class_mapping[p["scheduling_class"]] if "input" in p: p["input_schema"] = p.pop("input") if "output" in p: p["output_schema"] = p.pop("output") slug = p["slug"] if "run" in p: # Set default language to 'bash' if not set. p["run"].setdefault("language", "bash") # Transform output schema using the execution engine. try: execution_engine = manager.get_execution_engine( p["run"]["language"] ) extra_output_schema = execution_engine.get_output_schema(p) if extra_output_schema: p.setdefault("output_schema", []).extend(extra_output_schema) except InvalidEngineError: self.stderr.write( "Skip processor {}: execution engine '{}' not supported".format( slug, p["run"]["language"] ) ) continue # Validate if container image is allowed based on the configured pattern. # NOTE: This validation happens here and is not deferred to executors because the idea # is that this will be moved to a "container" requirement independent of the # executor. if hasattr(settings, "FLOW_CONTAINER_VALIDATE_IMAGE"): try: container_image = dict_dot(p, "requirements.executor.docker.image") if not re.match( settings.FLOW_CONTAINER_VALIDATE_IMAGE, container_image ): self.stderr.write( "Skip processor {}: container image does not match '{}'".format( slug, settings.FLOW_CONTAINER_VALIDATE_IMAGE ) ) continue except KeyError: pass version = p["version"] int_version = convert_version_string_to_int(version, VERSION_NUMBER_BITS) # `latest version` is returned as `int` so it has to be compared to `int_version` latest_version = Process.objects.filter(slug=slug).aggregate( Max("version") )["version__max"] if latest_version is not None and latest_version > int_version: self.stderr.write( "Skip processor {}: newer version installed".format(slug) ) continue previous_process_qs = Process.objects.filter(slug=slug) if previous_process_qs.exists(): previous_process = previous_process_qs.latest() else: previous_process = None process_query = Process.objects.filter(slug=slug, version=version) if process_query.exists(): is_active = process_query.values_list("is_active", flat=True).get() if not is_active: p["is_active"] = True if verbosity > 0: self.stdout.write( "Processor {}: setting is_active to True".format(slug) ) if not force: if verbosity > 0: self.stdout.write( "Skip processor {}: same version installed".format(slug) ) continue process_query.update(**p) log_processors.append("Updated {}".format(slug)) else: process = Process.objects.create(contributor=user, **p) assign_contributor_permissions(process) if previous_process: copy_permissions(previous_process, process) log_processors.append("Inserted {}".format(slug)) if verbosity > 0: if log_processors: self.stdout.write("Processor Updates:") for log in log_processors: self.stdout.write(" {}".format(log)) if log_templates: self.stdout.write("Default Template Updates:") for log in log_templates: self.stdout.write(" {}".format(log))
[docs] def register_descriptors(self, descriptor_schemas, user, force=False, verbosity=1): """Read and register descriptors.""" log_descriptors = [] for descriptor_schema in descriptor_schemas: for schema, _, _ in iterate_schema({}, descriptor_schema.get("schema", {})): if not schema["type"][-1].endswith(":"): schema["type"] += ":" if "schema" not in descriptor_schema: descriptor_schema["schema"] = [] if not self.valid(descriptor_schema, DESCRIPTOR_SCHEMA): continue slug = descriptor_schema["slug"] version = descriptor_schema.get("version", "0.0.0") int_version = convert_version_string_to_int(version, VERSION_NUMBER_BITS) # `latest version` is returned as `int` so it has to be compared to `int_version` latest_version = DescriptorSchema.objects.filter(slug=slug).aggregate( Max("version") )["version__max"] if latest_version is not None and latest_version > int_version: self.stderr.write( "Skip descriptor schema {}: newer version installed".format(slug) ) continue previous_descriptor_qs = DescriptorSchema.objects.filter(slug=slug) if previous_descriptor_qs.exists(): previous_descriptor = previous_descriptor_qs.latest() else: previous_descriptor = None descriptor_query = DescriptorSchema.objects.filter( slug=slug, version=version ) if descriptor_query.exists(): if not force: if verbosity > 0: self.stdout.write( "Skip descriptor schema {}: same version installed".format( slug ) ) continue descriptor_query.update(**descriptor_schema) log_descriptors.append("Updated {}".format(slug)) else: descriptor = DescriptorSchema.objects.create( contributor=user, **descriptor_schema ) assign_contributor_permissions(descriptor) if previous_descriptor: copy_permissions(previous_descriptor, descriptor) log_descriptors.append("Inserted {}".format(slug)) if log_descriptors and verbosity > 0: self.stdout.write("Descriptor schemas Updates:") for log in log_descriptors: self.stdout.write(" {}".format(log))
[docs] def retire(self, process_schemas): """Retire obsolete processes. Remove old process versions without data. Find processes that have been registered but do not exist in the code anymore, then: - If they do not have data: remove them - If they have data: flag them not active (``is_active=False``) """ process_slugs = set(ps["slug"] for ps in process_schemas) # Processes that are in DB but not in the code retired_processes = Process.objects.filter(~Q(slug__in=process_slugs)) # Remove retired processes which do not have data retired_processes.filter(data__exact=None).delete() # Remove non-latest processes which do not have data latest_version_processes = Process.objects.order_by( "slug", "-version" ).distinct("slug") Process.objects.filter(data__exact=None).exclude( id__in=latest_version_processes ).delete() # Deactivate retired processes which have data retired_processes.update(is_active=False)
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **options): """Register processes.""" force = options.get("force") retire = options.get("retire") verbosity = int(options.get("verbosity")) users = ( get_user_model().objects.filter(is_superuser=True).order_by("date_joined") ) if not users.exists(): self.stderr.write("Admin does not exist: create a superuser") exit(1) process_paths, descriptor_paths = [], [] process_schemas, descriptor_schemas = [], [] for finder in get_finders(): process_paths.extend(finder.find_processes()) descriptor_paths.extend(finder.find_descriptors()) for proc_path in process_paths: process_schemas.extend( self.find_schemas( proc_path, schema_type=SCHEMA_TYPE_PROCESS, verbosity=verbosity ) ) for desc_path in descriptor_paths: descriptor_schemas.extend( self.find_schemas( desc_path, schema_type=SCHEMA_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR, verbosity=verbosity ) ) user_admin = users.first() self.register_descriptors( descriptor_schemas, user_admin, force, verbosity=verbosity ) # NOTE: Descriptor schemas must be registered first, so # processes can validate 'entity_descriptor_schema' field. self.register_processes(process_schemas, user_admin, force, verbosity=verbosity) if retire: self.retire(process_schemas) if verbosity > 0: self.stdout.write("Running executor post-registration hook...") manager.get_executor().post_register_hook(verbosity=verbosity)