Source code for resolwe.flow.models.entity

"""Resolwe entity model."""
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union

from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.contrib.postgres.indexes import GinIndex
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import models, transaction

from resolwe.flow.models.annotations import (
from resolwe.observers.consumers import BackgroundTaskType
from resolwe.observers.decorators import move_to_container
from resolwe.observers.models import BackgroundTask
from resolwe.observers.utils import start_background_task
from resolwe.permissions.models import PermissionObject, PermissionQuerySet

from .base import BaseModel, BaseQuerySet
from .collection import BaseCollection, Collection
from .utils import DirtyError, validate_schema

class EntityQuerySet(BaseQuerySet, PermissionQuerySet):
    """Query set for ``Entity`` objects."""

    def duplicate(self, contributor) -> BackgroundTask:
        """Duplicate (make a copy) ``Entity`` objects in the background."""
        task_data = {
            "entity_ids": list(self.values_list("pk", flat=True)),
            "inherit_collection": True,
        return start_background_task(
            "Duplicate entity",

    def delete_background(self, contributor):
        """Delete the ``Entity`` objects in the background."""
        task_data = {
            "object_ids": list(self.values_list("pk", flat=True)),
            "content_type_id": ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.model).pk,
        return start_background_task(
            BackgroundTaskType.DELETE, "Delete entities", task_data, contributor

    def move_to_collection(
        destination_collection: Collection,
        missing_annotations: HandleMissingAnnotations = HandleMissingAnnotations.ADD,
        """Move entities to destination collection."""
        for entity in self:
            entity.move_to_collection(destination_collection, missing_annotations)

    def annotate_all(self, add_labels: bool = False):
        """Annotate with all metadata on the entities.

        The returned dataset has one entry for every annotation on the entity.
        It is annotated by "annotation_value" and the "annotation_field" in the
        form of f"{group_name}.{field_name}".

        :attr add_labels: when True and vocabulary is present, the annotation
            "annotation_label" contains the value of the label.
        annotation_data = {
            "annotation_value": models.F("annotations__json__value"),
            "annotation_field": models.functions.Concat(
        if add_labels:
            annotation_data["annotation_label"] = models.functions.Coalesce(
                models.functions.Cast("annotations___value__value", models.JSONField()),
        return self.annotate(**annotation_data)

    def _prepare_annotation_data(
        path: str,
        annotation_name: Optional[str] = None,
        value_to_label: bool = False,
        outerref_entity_pk_path: str = "pk",
        group_name, field_name = path.split(".", maxsplit=1)

        subquery = AnnotationValue.objects.filter(
        if value_to_label:
            subquery = subquery.annotate(
            subquery = subquery.annotate(final_value=models.F("_value__value"))

        annotation_name = annotation_name or f"{group_name}_{field_name}"
        return {annotation_name: models.Subquery(subquery.values("final_value")[:1])}

    def annotate_path(
        paths: Union[str, List[str]],
        annotation_name: Optional[str] = None,
        """Add annotation to the Entity QuerySet.

        The annotation is the value of the field with the given name (in the
        given group).

        :attr paths: the path in the form 'group_name.field_name' or list of
            such paths.
        :attr field_name: the name of the annotation field.
        :attr annotation_name: the name under which annotation will be stored.
            When empty the name f"{group_name}_{field_name}" will be used. The
            annotation_name can only be used when path is a single string.
        :attr value_to_label: optionally annotate with label instead of the
            value. Only applicable when the vocabulary on the field is given.
        if isinstance(paths, str):
            paths = [paths]
        queryset = self
        for path in paths:
            queryset = queryset.annotate(
                **self._prepare_annotation_data(path, annotation_name, value_to_label)
        return queryset

[docs]class Entity(BaseCollection, PermissionObject): """Postgres model for storing entities.""" class Meta(BaseCollection.Meta): """Entity Meta options.""" permissions = ( ("view", "Can view entity"), ("edit", "Can edit entity"), ("share", "Can share entity"), ("owner", "Is owner of the entity"), ) indexes = [ models.Index(name="idx_entity_name", fields=["name"]), GinIndex( name="idx_entity_name_trgm", fields=["name"], opclasses=["gin_trgm_ops"] ), models.Index(name="idx_entity_slug", fields=["slug"]), GinIndex(name="idx_entity_tags", fields=["tags"]), GinIndex(name="idx_entity_search", fields=["search"]), ] #: manager objects = EntityQuerySet.as_manager() #: collection to which entity belongs collection = models.ForeignKey( "Collection", blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE ) #: entity type type = models.CharField(max_length=100, db_index=True, null=True, blank=True) #: duplication date and time duplicated = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True)
[docs] def get_annotation(self, path: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: """Get the annotation for the given path. :attr path: the path to the annotation in the format 'group.field'. :attr default: default value when annotation is not found. :return: value of the annotation or default if not found. """ group_name, field_name = path.split(".", maxsplit=1) annotation: AnnotationValue = self.annotations.filter( field__group__name=group_name, field__name=field_name ).first() return annotation.value if annotation else default
[docs] def set_annotation(self, path: str, value: Any): """Get the annotation for the given path. :attr path: the path to the annotation in the format 'group.field'. :attr value: the annotation value. """ field_id = AnnotationField.id_from_path(path) if field_id is not None: AnnotationValue.objects.create(field_id=field_id, entity=self, value=value) else: raise RuntimeError(f"No annotation field for path {path}.")
[docs] def is_duplicate(self): """Return True if entity is a duplicate.""" return bool(self.duplicated)
[docs] def duplicate(self, contributor) -> BackgroundTask: """Duplicate (make a copy) object in the background.""" task_data = {"entity_ids": [], "inherit_collection": True} return start_background_task( BackgroundTaskType.DUPLICATE_ENTITY, "Duplicate entity", task_data, contributor, )
[docs] def delete_background(self): """Delete the object in the background.""" task_data = { "object_ids": [], "content_type_id": ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self).pk, } return start_background_task( BackgroundTaskType.DELETE, "Delete entitiy", task_data, self.contributor )
@transaction.atomic @move_to_container def move_to_collection( self, collection: Collection, handle_missing_annotations: HandleMissingAnnotations = HandleMissingAnnotations.ADD, ): """Move entity from the source to the destination collection. :args collection: the collection to move entity into. :args handle_missing_annotations: how to handle missing annotations fields in the new collection :raises ValidationError: when collection is set to None. """ if self.collection == collection: return if collection is None: raise ValidationError( f"Entity {self}({}) can only be moved to another container." ) missing_annotations = AnnotationField.objects.none() if self.collection is not None: missing_annotations = self.collection.annotation_fields.exclude( pk__in=collection.annotation_fields.values_list("pk", flat=True) ) if missing_annotations: if handle_missing_annotations == HandleMissingAnnotations.ADD: collection.annotation_fields.add(*missing_annotations) elif handle_missing_annotations == HandleMissingAnnotations.REMOVE: self.annotations.filter(field__in=missing_annotations).delete() self.collection = collection self.tags = collection.tags self.permission_group = collection.permission_group["collection", "tags", "permission_group"])
[docs] def invalid_annotation_fields(self, annotation_fields=None): """Get the Queryset of invalid annotation fields. The invalid annotation field is a field that has annotatiton but it is not allowed in the collection this entity belongs to. :attr annotation_fields: the iterable containing annotations fields to be checked. When None is given the annotation fields belonging to the entity are checked. """ annotation_fields = annotation_fields or self.collection.annotation_fields return AnnotationField.objects.filter(values=self.annotations).exclude( collection=self.collection )
[docs] def copy_annotations(self, destination: "Entity") -> List[AnnotationValue]: """Copy annotation from this entity to the destination. :raises ValidationError: when some of the annotation fields are missing on the destination entity. """ # Entity without collection can not have annotations. if self.collection is None: return [] if destination.collection is None: raise ValidationError( f"The entity '{destination.slug}' must belong to the collection." ) destination_annotations = [] annotation_field_ids = set() # Create AnnotationValue objects from annotations and collect the set of # annatiton field ids for them. This set must also be available on the # destination entity, else exception is raised. for source_annotation in self.annotations.all(): annotation_value = AnnotationValue( entity=destination, field_id=source_annotation.field_id, value=source_annotation.value, ) destination_annotations.append(annotation_value) annotation_field_ids.add(source_annotation.field_id) destination_fields_qs = destination.collection.annotation_fields.filter( pk__in=annotation_field_ids ) if destination_fields_qs.count() < len(annotation_field_ids): missing_annotation_field_ids = annotation_field_ids - set( destination_fields_qs.values_list("pk", flat=True) ) missing_fields_qs = AnnotationField.objects.filter( pk__in=missing_annotation_field_ids ).values_list("group__name", "name") missing_field_paths = [".".join(entry) for entry in missing_fields_qs] missing_fields = ", ".join(missing_field_paths) raise ValidationError( f"The collection of entity '{destination}' is missing annotation fields {missing_fields}." ) return destination_annotations
[docs] def validate_annotations(self): """Perform streamlined descriptor validation. :raises ValidationError: when annotations do not pass validation. All fields are validated and error messages aggregated into single exception. """ invalid_annotation_fields = self.invalid_annotation_fields() if invalid_annotation_fields: msg = ",".join(field.label for field in invalid_annotation_fields) collection_id = getattr(self, "collection_id", None) raise ValidationError( f"The entity '{}' is annotated with fields '{msg}' " f"that are not allowed on the collection '{collection_id}'." ) # Validate all the annotation values on this entity. validation_errors = [] for annotation in self.annotations: try: annotation.validate() except ValidationError as validation_error: validation_errors.append(validation_error) if validation_errors: raise ValidationError(validation_errors)
[docs] def update_annotations(self, annotations: dict[str, Any], update=True): """Update annotations with the given values. When annotation value is set no None it is deleted. :attr annotations: the dictionary with annotation values. Keys are annotation paths. """ field_paths = annotations.keys() field_map = { field_path: AnnotationField.field_from_path(field_path) for field_path in field_paths } # Create annotation values and prepare list of fields which annotations should # be deleted. annotation_values: list[AnnotationValue] = [] validation_errors: list[ValidationError] = [] fields_to_delete: list[int] = [] for field_path, field_value in annotations.items(): if field_value is None: fields_to_delete.append(field_map[field_path].pk) else: value = AnnotationValue( field=field_map[field_path], value=field_value, entity=self ) annotation_values.append(value) try: value.validate() except ValidationError as e: validation_errors.append(e) if validation_errors: raise ValidationError(validation_errors) # Delete and update annotations in a transaction. with transaction.atomic(): to_delete = AnnotationValue.objects.filter(entity=self) if update: to_delete = to_delete.filter(field_id__in=fields_to_delete) to_delete.delete() AnnotationValue.objects.bulk_create( annotation_values, update_conflicts=True, update_fields=["_value"], unique_fields=["entity", "field"], )
[docs]class RelationType(models.Model): """Model for storing relation types.""" #: relation type name name = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True) #: indicates if order of entities in relation is important or not ordered = models.BooleanField(default=False) def __str__(self): """Format the object representation.""" return
[docs]class Relation(BaseModel, PermissionObject): """Relations between entities. The Relation model defines the associations and dependencies between entities in a given collection: .. code-block:: json { "collection": "<collection_id>", "type": "comparison", "category": "case-control study", "entities": [ {"enetity": "<entity1_id>", "label": "control"}, {"enetity": "<entity2_id>", "label": "case"}, {"enetity": "<entity3_id>", "label": "case"} ] } Relation ``type`` defines a specific set of associations among entities. It can be something like ``group``, ``comparison`` or ``series``. The relation ``type`` is an instance of :class:`.RelationType` and should be defined in any Django app that uses relations (e.g., as a fixture). Multiple relations of the same type are allowed on the collection. Relation ``category`` defines a specific use case. The relation category must be unique in a collection, so that users can distinguish between different relations. In the example above, we could add another ``comparison`` relation of ``category``, say ``Case-case study`` to compare ``<entity2>`` with ``<entity3>``. Relation is linked to :class:`resolwe.flow.models.Collection` to enable defining different relations structures in different collections. This also greatly speed up retrieving of relations, as they are envisioned to be mainly used on a collection level. ``unit`` defines units used in partitions where it is applicable, e.g. in relations of type ``series``. """ UNIT_SECOND = "s" UNIT_MINUTE = "min" UNIT_HOUR = "hr" UNIT_DAY = "d" UNIT_WEEK = "wk" UNIT_CHOICES = ( (UNIT_SECOND, "Second"), (UNIT_MINUTE, "Minute"), (UNIT_HOUR, "Hour"), (UNIT_DAY, "Day"), (UNIT_WEEK, "Week"), ) #: type of the relation type = models.ForeignKey("RelationType", on_delete=models.PROTECT) #: collection to which relation belongs collection = models.ForeignKey("Collection", on_delete=models.CASCADE) #: partitions of entities in the relation entities = models.ManyToManyField(Entity, through="RelationPartition") #: category of the relation category = models.CharField(max_length=100) #: unit used in the partitions' positions (where applicable, e.g. for serieses) unit = models.CharField(max_length=3, choices=UNIT_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True) #: relation descriptor schema descriptor_schema = models.ForeignKey( "flow.DescriptorSchema", blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.PROTECT ) #: relation descriptor descriptor = models.JSONField(default=dict) #: indicate whether `descriptor` doesn't match `descriptor_schema` (is dirty) descriptor_dirty = models.BooleanField(default=False) #: custom manager with permission filtering methods objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() class Meta(BaseModel.Meta): """Relation Meta options.""" unique_together = ("collection", "category") permissions = ( ("view", "Can view relation"), ("edit", "Can edit relation"), ("share", "Can share relation"), ("owner", "Is owner of the relation"), )
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """Perform descriptor validation and save object.""" if self.descriptor_schema: try: validate_schema(self.descriptor, self.descriptor_schema.schema) self.descriptor_dirty = False except DirtyError: self.descriptor_dirty = True elif self.descriptor and self.descriptor != {}: raise ValueError( "`descriptor_schema` must be defined if `descriptor` is given" ) super().save()
class RelationPartition(models.Model): """Intermediate model to define Relations between Entities.""" #: entity in the relation entity = models.ForeignKey(Entity, on_delete=models.CASCADE) #: relation to which entity belongs relation = models.ForeignKey(Relation, on_delete=models.CASCADE) #: number used for ordering entities in the relation position = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(null=True, blank=True, db_index=True) #: Human-readable label of the position label = models.CharField(max_length=30, null=True, blank=True, db_index=True) class Meta: """RelationPartition Meta options.""" unique_together = ("entity", "relation")