Source code for resolwe.flow.utils.stats

""".. Ignore pydocstyle D400.


Various statistical utilities, used mostly for manager load tracking.
import math
import time
from collections import deque, namedtuple

[docs]class NumberSeriesShape: """Helper class for computing characteristics for numerical data. Given a series of numerical data, the class will keep a record of the extremes seen, arithmetic mean and standard deviation. """ def __init__(self): """Construct an instance of the class.""" self.high = -math.inf self.low = math.inf self.mean = 0 self.deviation = 0 self.count = 0 self._rolling_variance = 0
[docs] def update(self, num): """Update metrics with the new number.""" num = float(num) self.count += 1 self.low = min(self.low, num) self.high = max(self.high, num) # Welford's online mean and variance algorithm. delta = num - self.mean self.mean = self.mean + delta / self.count delta2 = num - self.mean self._rolling_variance = self._rolling_variance + delta * delta2 if self.count > 1: self.deviation = math.sqrt(self._rolling_variance / (self.count - 1)) else: self.deviation = 0.0
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Pack the stats computed into a dictionary.""" return { "high": self.high, "low": self.low, "mean": self.mean, "count": self.count, "deviation": self.deviation, }
def _display_interval(i): """Convert a time interval into a human-readable string. :param i: The interval to convert, in seconds. """ sigils = ["d", "h", "m", "s"] factors = [24 * 60 * 60, 60 * 60, 60, 1] remain = int(i) result = "" for fac, sig in zip(factors, sigils): if remain < fac: continue result += "{}{}".format(remain // fac, sig) remain = remain % fac return result
[docs]class SimpleLoadAvg: """Helper class for a sort of load average based on event times. Given a series of queue depth events, it will compute the average number of events for three different window lengths, emulating a form of 'load average'. The calculation itself is modelled after the Linux scheduler, with a 5-second sampling rate. Because we don't get consistent (time-wise) samples, the sample taken is the average of a simple moving window for the last 5 seconds; this is to avoid numerical errors if actual time deltas were used to compute the scaled decay. """ class _Interval: """Convenience class containing bookkeeping for an interval.""" Point = namedtuple("Point", ["time", "count"]) def __init__(self, interval): """Construct an instance of the class. :param interval: The interval to represent. """ self.series = deque() self.sampling_window = 5 self.interval = interval self.display = _display_interval(interval) self.last_bound = None self.decay = 1 / math.exp(self.sampling_window / self.interval) self.value = 0 def push(self, count, timestamp): """Add a new data point to the window.""" sample = self.Point(timestamp, count) # Check if we're still filling up the current window. if self.last_bound is None: self.last_bound = sample.time self.series.appendleft(sample) return if not self.series or sample.time - self.last_bound < self.sampling_window: self.series.appendleft(sample) return # If the window is full, get the average for the window size we want. # This will lead to some jitter if the actual time difference # between the latest sample and the earliest one isn't spot on, # but that's why this class isn't ComplexLoadAvg. avg = 0 for sample in self.series: avg += sample.count avg /= len(self.series) # Clear storage for the next window. self.last_bound = timestamp self.series.clear() # The actual EMA computation. self.value = self.decay * self.value + (1 - self.decay) * avg def __init__(self, intervals): """Construct an instance of the class. :param interval: A list of interval lengths, in seconds. """ self.last_data = -math.inf self.intervals = {i: SimpleLoadAvg._Interval(i) for i in intervals} for meta in list(self.intervals.values()): self.intervals[meta.display] = meta
[docs] def add(self, count, timestamp=None): """Add a value at the specified time to the series. :param count: The number of work items ready at the specified time. :param timestamp: The timestamp to add. Defaults to None, meaning current time. It should be strictly greater (newer) than the last added timestamp. """ if timestamp is None: timestamp = time.time() if self.last_data >= timestamp: raise ValueError( "Time {} >= {} in load average calculation".format( self.last_data, timestamp ) ) self.last_data = timestamp for meta in self.intervals.values(): meta.push(count, timestamp)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Pack the load averages into a nicely-keyed dictionary.""" result = {} for meta in self.intervals.values(): result[meta.display] = meta.value return result