Source code for resolwe.flow.managers.workload_connectors.slurm

""".. Ignore pydocstyle D400.

Slurm Connector

import logging
import os
import shlex
import subprocess

from django.conf import settings

from resolwe.flow.models import Data
from import settings as storage_settings
from resolwe.utils import BraceMessage as __

from .base import BaseConnector

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# We add this much to the memory limit to account for executor overhead,
# since the executor is running in the same environment as the process.

[docs]class Connector(BaseConnector): """Slurm-based connector for job execution."""
[docs] def submit(self, data: Data, argv): """Run process with SLURM. For details, see :meth:`~resolwe.flow.managers.workload_connectors.base.BaseConnector.submit`. """ limits = data.get_resource_limits() logger.debug( __( "Connector '{}' running for Data with id {} ({}).", self.__class__.__module__,, repr(argv), ) ) # Compute target partition. partition = getattr(settings, "FLOW_SLURM_PARTITION_DEFAULT", None) if data.process.slug in getattr(settings, "FLOW_SLURM_PARTITION_OVERRIDES", {}): partition = settings.FLOW_SLURM_PARTITION_OVERRIDES[data.process.slug] try: # Make sure the resulting file is executable on creation. runtime_dir = storage_settings.FLOW_VOLUMES["runtime"]["config"]["path"] script_path = os.path.join(runtime_dir, "slurm-{}.sh".format( file_descriptor =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, mode=0o555) with os.fdopen(file_descriptor, "wt") as script: script.write("#!/bin/bash\n") script.write( "#SBATCH --mem={}M\n".format( limits["memory"] + EXECUTOR_MEMORY_OVERHEAD ) ) script.write("#SBATCH --cpus-per-task={}\n".format(limits["cores"])) if partition: script.write("#SBATCH --partition={}\n".format(partition)) script.write( "#SBATCH --output slurm-url-{}-job-%j.out\n".format( data.location.subpath ) ) # Render the argument vector into a command line. line = " ".join(map(shlex.quote, argv)) script.write(line + "\n") command = ["/usr/bin/env", "sbatch", script_path] subprocess.Popen(command, cwd=runtime_dir, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL).wait() except OSError as err: logger.error( __( "OSError occurred while preparing SLURM script for Data {}: {}",, err, ) )
[docs] def cleanup(self, data_id: int): """Cleanup."""