Source code for resolwe.flow.utils.exceptions

""".. Ignore pydocstyle D400.

Resolwe Exceptions Utils

Utils functions for working with exceptions.

from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError

from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.views import exception_handler

[docs]def resolwe_exception_handler(exc, context): """Handle exceptions raised in API and make them nicer. To enable this, you have to add it to the settings: .. code:: python REST_FRAMEWORK = { 'EXCEPTION_HANDLER': 'resolwe.flow.utils.exceptions.resolwe_exception_handler', } """ response = exception_handler(exc, context) if isinstance(exc, ValidationError): if response is None: response = Response({}) response.status_code = 400 if hasattr(exc, "message"):["error"] = exc.message else:["error"] = [error for error in exc] return response