Source code for resolwe.permissions.utils

""".. Ignore pydocstyle D400.

Permissions utils

.. autofunction:: copy_permissions

from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser, Group, User
from django.db import models, transaction

from rest_framework import exceptions

from resolwe.permissions.models import (

def set_permission(
    permission: Permission,
    user_or_group: UserOrGroup,
    obj: models.Model,
    """Set permission on the given object.

    It performs additional check to determine if permissions can be set on the
    given object using duck-typing.

    :raises AssertionError: when no user or group is given.

    :raises RuntimeError: when given object has no permission_group or is
        contained in a container.

    :raises ValueError: when the given permission can not be found.
    # First perform basic checks on the object itself.
    if not model_has_permissions(obj):
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"There is no support for permissions on object of type {obj._meta.label}."
    obj.set_permission(permission, user_or_group)

def get_user(user: User) -> User:
    """Get the same user or anonymous one when user is not authenticated.

    :raises django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist: when user is not
        authenticated and anonymous user could not be found.
    if user.is_authenticated:
        return user
        return get_anonymous_user()

def model_has_permissions(obj: models.Model) -> bool:
    """Check whether model has object level permissions."""
    additional_labels = ["flow.Storage", "flow.AnnotationValue"]
    return hasattr(obj, "permission_group") or obj._meta.label in additional_labels

def get_identity(user_group: Union[Group, User]) -> Tuple[UserOrGroup, str]:
    """Return the tuple (user_or_group, name).

    The user_or_group is user or group and name is either 'user' or 'group'.

    :raises RuntimeError: when parameter is neither user nor group instance.
    if isinstance(user_group, AnonymousUser):
        return get_anonymous_user(), "user"

    UserModel = get_user_model()
    if isinstance(user_group, UserModel):
        return user_group, "user"

    if isinstance(user_group, Group):
        return user_group, "group"

    raise RuntimeError("Parameter is not user or group instance.")

[docs]@transaction.atomic def copy_permissions(src_obj: models.Model, dest_obj: models.Model): """Copy permissions form ``src_obj`` to ``dest_obj``. .. warning:: Existing permissions in dest_obj will we deleted. """ # TODO: why is this here? Can this condition ever be fullfilled? if src_obj is None or dest_obj is None: return if not model_has_permissions(src_obj) or not model_has_permissions(dest_obj): return # When permission groups are the same there is nothing to do. if src_obj.permission_group == dest_obj.permission_group: return # Delete existing permissions on dest_obj. PermissionModel.objects.filter(permission_group=dest_obj.permission_group).delete() new_permissions = [ PermissionModel( value=permission_model.value, permission_group=dest_obj.permission_group, user=permission_model.user,, ) for permission_model in src_obj.permission_group.permissions.all() ] PermissionModel.objects.bulk_create(new_permissions)
def fetch_user(query: str) -> User: """Get user by ``pk``, ``username`` or ``email``. :raises ParseError: if user can not be determined. """ user_filter = models.Q(username=query) | models.Q(email=query) if query.isdigit(): user_filter |= models.Q(pk=query) user_model = get_user_model() try: return user_model.objects.get(user_filter) except user_model.DoesNotExist: raise exceptions.ParseError("Unknown user: {}".format(query)) except user_model.MultipleObjectsReturned: raise exceptions.ParseError("Cannot uniquely determine user: {}".format(query)) def fetch_group(query: str) -> Group: """Get group by ``pk`` or ``name``. Raise error if it doesn't exist.""" group_filter = {"pk": query} if query.isdigit() else {"name": query} try: return Group.objects.get(**group_filter) except Group.DoesNotExist: raise exceptions.ParseError("Unknown group: {}".format(query)) def check_owner_permission(payload: dict, allow_user_owner: bool, obj: models.Model): """Check if one can grant or revoke owner permission. Owner permission to user should only be granted or revoked when allow_user_owner is set. Owner permission to group should never be set. :attr allow_user_owner: True if owner permission can be granted or revoked. :raised exceptions.ParseError: when owner permission is assigned to a group. :raised exceptions.PermissionDenied: when owner permission is assigned t or revoked from user and allow_user_owner is not set. """ for entity_type in ["users", "groups"]: for user_identification, permission in payload.get(entity_type, {}).items(): if permission == "owner": if entity_type == "users" and not allow_user_owner: raise exceptions.PermissionDenied( "Only owners can grant/revoke owner permission" ) if entity_type == "groups": raise exceptions.ParseError( "Owner permission cannot be assigned to a group" ) # Here we have to check if owner permission is being revoked. # Unfortunately there is no way to do this without hitting the # database. elif entity_type == "users": if not allow_user_owner: user = fetch_user(str(user_identification)) if obj.is_owner(user): raise exceptions.PermissionDenied( "Only owners can grant/revoke owner permission" ) def check_public_permissions(payload: dict): """Raise ``PermissionDenied`` if public permissions are too open.""" allowed_public_permissions = ["none", "view"] if "public" in payload: if payload["public"] not in allowed_public_permissions: raise exceptions.PermissionDenied( "Permissions for public users are too open" ) def check_user_permissions(payload: dict, user_pk: int): """Raise ``PermissionDenied`` if ``payload`` includes ``user_pk``.""" user_pks = payload.get("users", {}).keys() if user_pk in user_pks: raise exceptions.PermissionDenied("You cannot change your own permissions") def update_permission(obj: models.Model, data): """Update object permissions.""" def apply_perm(permission_name: Optional[str], entity: UserOrGroup): """Set permission on the object obj to the given entity. If given permission does not exist, ``exceptions.ParseError`` is raised. If special keyword "ALL" passed as ``permission`` top-level permission is set on the given object for the given entity. If permission is None all permissions are revoked. :param entity: user or group to set permissions to. """ try: permission = Permission.from_name(permission_name or "none") except KeyError: raise exceptions.ParseError(f"Unknown permission: {permission_name}") obj.set_permission(permission, entity) def set_permissions(entity_type): """Set object permissions.""" fetch_entity = fetch_user if entity_type == "users" else fetch_group for entity_id in data.get(entity_type, {}): apply_perm(data[entity_type][entity_id], fetch_entity(str(entity_id))) def set_public_permissions(): """Set public permissions.""" if "public" in data: apply_perm(data["public"], get_anonymous_user()) with transaction.atomic(): set_permissions("users") set_permissions("groups") set_public_permissions() def assign_contributor_permissions(obj, contributor=None): """Assign all permissions to object's contributor.""" obj.set_permission(Permission.highest(), contributor or obj.contributor)